Any object with a network Identity gets deactivated when the game starts

It’s all in the title , anyone else having this problem?

Objects with NetworkIdentity will be deactivated on a server until they are spawned with NetworkServer.Spawn(prefab instance) or NetworkServer.SpawnObjects() for scene objects. Clients wait for the message from the server that the object was spawned to enable it. (If you are dealing with scene objects and you use NetworkManager, it should call SpawnObjects for you)

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Except it doesn’t. And even more, when I call SpawnObjects() manually scene objects are activated on host only, but not on client

Any news on this issue? I’m having the same problem - SpawnObjects is not enabling my objects on the client

your client is probably not connected or not ready. try increasing the log level in the network manager and looking at your logs regarding connection and readiness of clients, and then the spawn logs

Thanks for the answer! but actually what I’m trying to do is not supported: UNET: NetworkServer.SpawnObjects() does not spawn objects loaded from Application.LoadLevelAdditiveAsync - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions .

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