thats the question how to make gravity. note im not using the character controller nor im i using regit body so i just wana know how to get an object down with out using those 2
If you're not using a rigid body or the character controller component, then I assume you're just moving your objects using Transform.Translate() or by modifying Transform.position directly, yes?
If so, then basically you just have to implement the gravity effect yourself in code.
For this example I'll assume +y is up. At it's simplest, all you need is a 'y velocity' variable and an acceleration rate. The pseudocode for applying gravity might look like this:
yVelocity -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position.y += yVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
yVelocity would be a (private) 'float' variable initialized to 0 (or whatever value you want). 'gravity' would be a public 'float' variable, which you can then tweak to adjust the acceleration rate.