So one of the things that has motivated me a great deal is looking at Dusk and its success and realizing that I’m perfectly capable of making a game on that technical level.
I’m not looking to rip it off, by any means, I definitely want to do my own thing.
Fairly certain I want to do an FPS metroidvania, although I’m not against limiting it to stage select, with a minimalist story that does not get in the way of gameplay.
The story in short is you are a prisoner mercenary who is being sent on missions to reduce your sentence. You are sent to a planet with a starter colony that has gone silent to investigate. Stuff happens. And you run into bugs, humans, and ancient alien cult that is all energy shields and blue glowy stuff.
Not really breaking new ground here.
Starcraft had zerg, protos, and terra.
Halo had flood, covenant, and humans.
Bugs, glowy aliens, humans.
How would I even start to get a coherent mood and atmosphere?
I should mention that the protagonist will be mute, but will be accompanied by an AI Correctional Officer. Think of it as Claptrap, but in your head, talking to you and giving things flavor.
Obviously I would use them sparingly and not spell out what to do at all times.
Maybe have them make comments when you hit a trigger in different levels. Or make a comment when you kill a tough boss. And MAYBE have him point something out that is environment story telling thats easy to miss. Stuff like that.