any tool to obfuscate source code not assemblies?

Hi All,

I see plenty of reference to obfuscating the .NET assemblies. But won’t do classes with Monobehavior superclass. Then have to find yet another obfuscator for android builds?
Idea is to obfuscate the original source code so it would be scrambled for all ported languages.
Separate project with the scrambled code just for production builds.

Can’t find any tools to scramble c# source code.


Manual obfuscation would be best for several reasons:

  • You have complete control over what you obfuscate and how
  • You can obfuscate things specific to your game that automatic obfuscator may miss
  • Most obfuscators have deobfuscators as well, manual obfuscation means that anyone who wants to deobfuscate your code will have to do so manually as well

Of course this way of doing things is a big timesink in case of big sources, however you can automate it using tools like sed or awk (there probably is a windows version of those).