If not, can any 1 come up and give this to the community ??
I am a new bie and looking for a bootcamp tutorial with some enemies,AI. So thought to share my view with you. As i cannot find any 1.
Isnt it will be great if we can have it ? Please contribute ur thoughts , tutorials if possible
how about sombody doing it!
This would be pretty great! Hopefully someone catches on and possible does something like this… Thanks for the link professor
Could you refrain from using “any 1”? it’s not even remotely good English. Hate to be the grammar nazi and usually I let it slide but this is obnoxiously bad.
I agree with hippocoder - it not only makes it difficult to read, but impossible to translate for non-native English speakers, but the real bottom line is people will not bother to read it so you lose out on answers.
Back to original topic- I would think we will get a lot more tutorials on AI when Unity releases the basic pathfinding functionality in the next release or so. Until then, writing or videoing tutorials could be a waste of time.
If you can’t wait, there was a good simple first person shooter tutorial on the Unity site that had enemy 'bots and a machine gun turning and firing at the first person controller when it was within range. No idea where it is now, but someone was re-writing it to work in latest version. Check the teaching forum.
Not really a tutorial, but you can check out the Bootcamp post-mortem from last years Unite here: