Any update on phrasing of 'Personal Edition'?

Any update? GDC is long gone and it’s almost a month since discussion started on the phrasing of ‘Personal Edition’. The topic was raised, 3600 votes were cast on Unity Feedback, and much discussion ensued. The last word was, “When everything is back to normal I guess the correct people will make a decision on the matter and let people know.”



We’re not planning on changing this.



Not at all? Not even for pro users who have “made with personal edition” on mobile builds? Because that’s not even true.

So much for democracy.

Democracy is a form of government, not an effective business strategy.


Seems like a reasonable decision (at least for the truly free users such as myself). Personal Edition may imply for personal use but I can also see it as a step up from Free Edition which may have been considered. Besides I am content with 4.6 and yet to download 5 so don’t even see this yet. Lol

That’s too bad. I was hoping they would re-phrase it, or simply leave it off. :frowning:

This sad confirmation strangely coincides with the April 1 joke of Godot’s blog (which is free and open source - MIT license):

"Splash Screen of Pride

We know you are too poor to afford professional software, so we are following industry leaders and Free Godot is adding an unchangeable, mandatory splash screen. This way you can let your customers know how proud you are to be poor."

Full text:

Really funny!


LOL following the trend of industry leaders… either they see the PE the same way as many here do or else they heard the ruckus thrown over it. At any rate nothing wrong with creating some form of barrier to entry. In this case it is just a couple of words. A small price to pay to gain access to the features 5 appears to have. Personally I’d have rather seen a $97 Personal or Indy version but a lot of people probably would have screamed about that.

Unity might be surprised at the amount of money they could make if they offered another version with the words Indy Edition or Powered by Unity 5… and charged $100 to $150 for it. I am thinking a lot of people would grab it.


But $1,500 is a huge price to pay to remove a splash screen which they claim themselves is of little importance.

So why charge so much, Unity?

I just want some value for for money. I don’t even have the option for a refund because I bought it through Studica.
This would make for some VERY bad press.

NOOOO STTAHHPPP. This isn’t about the splash screen. This thread is about the naming. Albeit, Personal Edition slapped right in the front of your game, especially when you’re on a team (it’s kinda awkward… makes it feel less… “professional”, lol).

But no, we’re talking about the naming so please don’t start the whole splash screen/gray theme debate again.


Thank you for the update.


I would’ve liked it to sound like it’s part of the game and not here's what the game is made with … I liked ‘powered by unity3d’ better. Maybe though the extra ‘pain’ in the wording is a prod to get more people to go pro.

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Thats exactly what it is. Theyre basically bullying us into getting the paid version instead of actually giving us something for our money.

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Maybe. But even if Unity would change it - many people would still not be satisfied because it’s simply not possible to satisfy everybody.

I was wondering, though:

  1. Does the unity splash screen for Pro contain the wording “Personal Edition” as well if enabled?
  2. How do I enable the Splash screen on Pro if I want to?

Nobody is bullying you into using Pro.

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For me, this decision is a filter for future crap games that will take “Unity” name.
Implies: “This game sucks? Cut some slack, as it was done with the Personal Edition”. But and the good ones?

Or maybe it’s just to let us ashamed. “Prove you’re not amateur: buy the full version!” :stuck_out_tongue:

Even if they gave you something other than the removal of splash screens for android/ios pro I would be slightly happier. Thats my main complaint. How can Unity say that the splash screen doesn’t matter when they charge over a grand to remove it? There are literally no other benefits to android/ios pro right now and the value of base pro has been lowered (for some users) even though the cost is the same.

There is no shame in having Personal Edition on the splash screen. Yes it could be misinterpreted as you releasing stuff with a version intended for personal use only but we all know that is not the case and any player checking into it would find out the same. In the end it is what it is. Whether Unity charges $150, $1,500 or $15,000 to remove that Personal Edition branding is up to them. A person either finds it worth it and pays the price or doesn’t. I also think today’s gamers are as likely to assume that Personal Edition means a “one man (or woman) band” as they are to assume you are doing something wrong. But seriously if it is the appearance of “being cheap” people are concerned with then don’t be cheap!


Plenty of value in pro still. Primarily in that you can make more then 100k revenue.


And the 100K limit, if you’re under 100K in revenue, you don’t need to pay anything.


Player Settings under Splash Image.