Any way to bake a video before game is played?

In my game, there is a video that plays before the game starts. Problem is that whenever I start the game, there is a delay before the video starts as the video has to be rendered. Problem is that once the video has been loaded, it doesnt start from the start which is really annoying. I know it’s very much connected to the message “Unexpected timestamp values detected. This can occur in H.264 videos not encoded with the baseline profile. Timestamps will be skewed to correct the playback for C:/Users/***/horror1/Assets/Videos/Project 2.mp4”, but I just don’t know how to fix it. I’ve already tried a VideoPlayer.Prepare(); script, but it doesn’t fix the probem. Could anyone help me?

As far as I recall what you have to do is to preload the video respectively wait for it to be loaded/buffered, and then call the play method. Play On Awake should be unchecked. See Script API for reference.

Ohhhh! That’s why I was struggling. I didn’t even think of turning off Play On Awake lol