Any way to exclude from unity-android-resources project via Gradle?

Hi guys,

So I’ve recently upgraded my Unity to 5.6 in hopes of utilizing the Gradle build pipeline (to workaround the nasty dex limit).

After some days of configuring it, I ran into this head-cracking issue. Here is the error as displayed in the Unity Editor console:

Execution failed for task ':transformClassesWithJarMergingForRelease'.
> duplicate entry: my/unity/game/BuildConfig.class

So it seems that some plugin/external project is including a BuildConfig class file with the exact same package name (as depicted by the file structure, and also why I had to set enforceUniquePackageName to false in the main project gradle ).

In Android Studio, when looking for the BuildConfig file, I noticed two different projects that had the same package name. One of the projects was definitely for the main Unity project, while the other was for an automatically generated/included project for unity-android-resources.

This is the for the unity-android-resources project:

 * Automatically generated file. DO NOT MODIFY


public final class BuildConfig 
          public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true");
          public static final String APPLICATION_ID = “”;
          public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug";
          public static final String FLAVOR = "";
          public static final int VERSION_CODE = 1;
          public static final String VERSION_NAME = "1.0";


While this one is for the main project:

 * Automatically generated file. DO NOT MODIFY


public final class BuildConfig 
          public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true");
          public static final String APPLICATION_ID = “”;
          public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug";
          public static final String FLAVOR = "";
          public static final int VERSION_CODE = 72;
          public static final String VERSION_NAME = "2.04.34";


Is there a way I could somehow either:

  • Exclude the from the automatically generated unity-android-resources project via the main gradle file? or,
  • Is there someway I could alter the package name for the automatically generated file for unity-android-resources?

If it helps, here are the dependencies (and no, doesn’t seem like I can just remove unity-android-resources dependency, as the build fails due to some missing icon resources):

dependencies {
	compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
	compile(name: 'GoogleAIDL', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'GooglePlay', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'appcompat-v7-23.4.0', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'cardview-v7-23.4.0', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'common', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'facebook-android-sdk-4.23.0', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'facebook-android-wrapper-7.10.0', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'play-services-ads-10.0.1', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'play-services-auth-10.0.1', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'play-services-auth-base-10.0.1', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'play-services-base-10.0.1', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'play-services-basement-10.0.1', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'play-services-drive-10.0.1', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'play-services-games-10.0.1', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'play-services-iid-10.0.1', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'play-services-nearby-10.0.1', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'play-services-tasks-10.0.1', ext:'aar')
	compile(name: 'support-v4-24.0.0', ext:'aar')
	compile project(':Etcetera_lib')
	compile project(':Flurry_lib')
	compile project(':MainLibProj')
	compile project(':PermissionCheckPlugin')
	compile project(':SwrvePush_lib')
	compile project(':fyber-unityads-1.5.6-r3')
	compile project(':unity-android-resources') // <- possible cause of error

Thanks for any help guys.

Warm regards,
Someone desperate

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