Any way to link a text editor to unity to prompt for key words/properties?

I used to use visual studio, and one of the massive bonuses about it was that if you started typing a known keyword, or the name of a variable previously created that was accessable it would prompt with a list of possiblities. You could then select what you were after from list or just press enter if the first one was the correct choice. For instance I am trying to manipulate the position of a plane, say the plane is called plane1:

in visual studio if i were to type “plane1.” i would instantly be given a list of properties that i could manipulate, so for instance it would come up with “.Transform”. I am new to unity and i don’t know the properties of things yet, as such it is taking me 10 times longer to do anything as i’m forever hunting for the word i need to use.

The question is, is there any text editor that you can link to unity to do something like that^? As it will make text editing with unity infinitely more efficient. Pleaaaaaase get back to me if you know of a way. Thanks very much for any help.

MonoDevelop does that. I think it’s based on VS.

Someone mentioned on UA yesterday that if you have #pragma strict pre-directive some of this functionality is disabled.

#pragma strict’ is an apparent performance booster owing to strict coding, but there’s nothing to stop you omitting it until the end or until you need it.