Hello. I’m extremely new to Unity and i wanted to make a fps game for my friends and me to play because we want to relive the old memories of logging on to our playstation and playing with each other. But every tutorial/demo I see uses UNet, or is just not working or obsolete. So, i ask, is there any tutorial, or demo that supports the newer unity and not just the 2018- early 2019 versions? Thanks.
Are you new to programming, too? If so, start with the Learn section!
For UNet replacement, there is e.g. Mirror .
The DOTS Sample project - released with Unity 2019.3 - could also be of interest…
I’d suggest a single player project if you are new to Unity. You likely are in for a lot of frustration if you’re trying to take on learning Unity with a networked multiplayer project, which are the most complex of projects.