Any way to open the iTUnes App Store using iPhone Basic?

I’m updating all of my apps (all but Dead Words done straight in Xcode) with an extra credits screen that shows off the other CTG apps and when tapped will link to them.

I just tried this in Unity iPhone Basic and I used the Application.OpenURL method to do this in a GUI button. Sadly, I got this error in the Xcode debugger console …

Application.OpenURL is not supported in Unity iPhone Basic

Really? I guess I didn’t read the fine print well enough eh?

I can’t open a browser window or link to my other games in the app store? Is there any way around this? Is there no way at all to make a button link to the store? Or am I stuck for a long time until I can save enough to upgrade?

Any other way?

Nuts. I guess not, just read the page. Damn, that was a very bad one to miss on my part. Damn it. OK, DW will be the one app without this feature then. That won’t help sales.

EDIT LATER … At least I can still add the check for the SignerIdentity hack right in the app delegate in the Info.plist that every single pirated app runs and pop a message up that allows the person running the cracked version to either gracefully shut down or buy my app via the …

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@“urlhere”]];

method. So I can link to the store there at least.

I don’t recall if you have the enhancement pack, but there is an undocumented command in there for opening an app in the app store. Works from basic, too.

Based on my sales that alone (and it’s the only thing I’d use from your excellent work) isn’t worth the $100. I uploaded a new build to the store without the links, simply the graphics showing there are more available. If I can pay you $25 for that alone …

That has a good chance to actually be denied by Apple, as demo like application with disabled functionality are not tolerated nor teasing the user in such a way.

My previous update with splash screen showing the other games without links was approved without incident.