I’m finishing up on my 2D shooter and decided to switch to a top down, side scrolling view instead and also decided to put in controller support. After doing this, I noticed my sprite seems blurry when it moves, anyone know what could be causing this? I don’t really have more to go on, sorry.
I’m moving the player with this joystick code
if (Input.GetAxisRaw("LeftStickVertical") < 0)
app.view.playerView.changePosition (Vector3.up * app.model.playerModel.Speed * Time.deltaTime);
if (Input.GetAxisRaw("LeftStickVertical") > 0)
app.view.playerView.changePosition (Vector3.down * app.model.playerModel.Speed * Time.deltaTime);
if (Input.GetAxisRaw("LeftStickHorizontal") < 0)
app.view.playerView.changePosition (Vector3.left * app.model.playerModel.Speed * Time.deltaTime);
if (Input.GetAxisRaw("LeftStickHorizontal") > 0)
app.view.playerView.changePosition (Vector3.right * app.model.playerModel.Speed * Time.deltaTime);
This is my first time using controller inputs, so right now I’m trying to get it working smoothly. I think this might be connected to the controller input, I’m not sure. The sprite is fine, except when moving. Also, it’s probably important to note that the enemy sprites are fine even when moving