Anyone else having problems with nav mesh agents in unity 5

Ive tried with both my game and survival shooter. In unity 4.6 they both worked perfectly but in unity 5 agents get stuck in the ground like the animator isn’t initialize or they don’t follow the player as they should.

Yeah, you need to make agent follow character by script, in Unity manual you can find how to do this, can’t remember where exactly.

The agent should aready follow because it was the completed project in the survival shooter. I figured out the problem on mine, I forgot to put the idle animation in.

I’m having a similar problem with the survival shooter, but the bunnies and bears don’t get stuck in the ground per se, they just move really slowly, as if it’s only another bunnies or bear popping up behind them that is forcing them forwards. I get an error come up saying that I need to rebake the NavMesh because an asset has changed, or something like that. So I rebake, run the program, and up comes the same error, every time. I don’t understand why, but I’m given to understand that quite a number of people are having this issue with the NavMesh in the survival shooter game.

I had a problem with nav mesh when following the Survival Shooter tutorial. What happened is that the floor game objects were not been included in bake. So, inside Hierarchy I selected Enviroment → Floor → Base, then on the Navigation tab, inside Object I marked the option Navigation Static. Also make shure that Navigation Area is set Walkable. Then I just baked again and everything was working fine!

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