Anyone getting more than 60 fps with HDRP VR

Hey everyone, I tried creating an empty scene with all the post processing turned off, and I can’t get more than 60 frames per second with hdrp. I have a high-end pc, with a 3070 graphics card. Anyone know why I won’t go higher than that when I play the scene using quest and link? Standard and urp work fine, they can easily get 120 fps.

Yes, I can get very high VR framerates on a 3070. Try disabling HDRP features like shadows and volumetrics to see how that goes.

Motion blur is a big offender too, and that’s typically on by default.
Also the physically accurate sun and sky can be quite expensive.

Thanks for the suggestions

Thanks for tip.

BTW, I do use volumetrics in my project. Probably any of the expensive features can be used in VR, but not all of them.

I downloaded the latest version of Unity, and only disabling motion blur got me 120fps. Not sure what happened before but I’m glad it’s working now.

Motion blur (regardless of its use or not) should never be that expensive. Good find. I think it is a bug for it to be that much of a hog. Or some workaround someone slipped in like doing all the work twice. Doing anything twice in HDRP land is pretty much suicide.

There must be something Im missing. If I create a ‘Basic Outdoors (HDRP)’ scene, convert the camera to an XR rig, and Play the scene I get 60 FPS when looking at the horizon. When I look into the sky I get 120 fps. It seems that the Physically Based Sky is a performance hog. I left it at the default settings. The gradient and HDRI sky work fine. Am I missing something?

I also find it interesting that if I keep the Physically Based Sky, add Crest Ocean with underwater rendering, and add volumetric clouds I still get 60fps. Unity must be doing something behind the scenes to cap it at that. My fixed timestep is set to 0.008333334 which is 120 fps. Is there another place I can look to get the FPS higher?

Disabled vsync?

Under Quality > VSync Count I set it to Don’t Sync, and that didn’t work. Thanks for the tip though.

Here is a capture of my profiler.

I have a 3080. I only get about 60-70fps. My gpu is showing 11% usage. It won’t go faster. The fans don’t even come on. Thanks, unity

Check the profiler to see what causes the bottleneck instead of instantly blaming it on unity

The editor loop takes 60%. unity takes one full core and thats it. Rest of machine totally idle. I blame unity. 20% cpu use, 11% gpu use, and my game stuttering and jerking along dropping frames.