Anyone having trouble with Linerenderer and ARKit ?

…as specified in subject no matter what kind of material I use together with the lineRenderer, what happens is that is not working on my Arkit App.

It works fine on the editor until built and run on the iPhone.

The only thing I see instead of the lineRenderer is a magenta poligon flipping around the camera.

Anyone with the same issue?

Not seen it here. I’m dealing with quite a few line renderers in our ARKit apps and it works fine on iphones and ipads.

I’m using a linerenderer in our ARKit 1.5 update for the detail boundaries of the planes. Your problem appears to be that you’re using a material for the linerenderer that is not supported on iOS.

Thank you all,

fixed my issue using a supported material

lineRenderer.material = new Material (Shader.Find (“Sprites/Default”));