Anyone here Entering the Ludum Dare?

I’m going to ask my team to join me on this Ludum Dare, just waiting for their response before I enter us all in :slight_smile:

Are you guys entering Ludum dare 24? If so, What theme do you hope we all get for the Competition? also let me know if you are entering the Jam instead of the competition :smile:

Two days to make a game? Nah, I’m working on my Two Year Blame Somebody Else failure. :slight_smile:

Hahaha, It’s a “Just for fun” competition, there is no prize (as far as I’m aware of?). Think of the competition as Revision :slight_smile:

It was hard not to upvote Giant Monsters and Kittens…

Yeeeh! Let’s all spend 2 days working for free! wooo! puts on party hat.

Dev jams are a cool idea for people starting out (easy work experience), I have 2 problems with them tho:
1: Professionals wouldn’t go and work for free?
2: I spent long enough working with amateurs, now that I’m good enough to work with the pros, a game jam is a step backwards :smile:.

Be interested to hear another professionals reasoning for going to one… Along the same logic, I wonder why I spend so much time on these forums…

Forums provide the least intrusive form of human interaction.

In person? Forget it. Phone calls? Nobody buys the battery dying anymore. Emails? So demanding. Instant messages? All those expectations.

Forums? Ah…heaven. :slight_smile:

Ha you’re probably right :). Links in with the Dickwad Theory I guess!

Still… point stands: Game jams = working for free = pointless. Unless your inexperienced… in which case, you won’t be learning from the pros! :smile:

Plenty of professionals do enjoy game jams and don’t mind the least to “work for free”. I’ve participated to several global game jams and though most participants are students, I’ve also worked with professional fellow developers in them. It’s a great way to meet new people, try things you wouldn’t dare in your regular job planning and most of all have fun. A game jam is never a step backwards. Never… whatever may be your experience or skills.

Well, interesting to know that I guess. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me personally, but it’s contextual I suppose.

Yeah, I’m in.
Unity is great for these quick compos…

My submission:
First Feedbacks is that people don’t understand how it works (we need to put a tutorial).
Read the tips on the ludum dare page first if you want to play it.