Anyone know why this is happening?

So when i go and try to build this weird little 0 code thing i made When i run it all i get is a blue screen and none of my assets are showing up.

Before build.

After build.

Are you in the same scene? the first scene (index 0) in the build settings is first scene to be loaded.

Are your objects and layers at the right depth from the camera? Does it only happen when you build, or does it also happen when running within Unity? Does you game view look okay in Unity?

Check the z position on your camera and your objects. They shouldn’t be completely out of proportions. The camera should be at -10 z, and all the objects unless intentionally needed otherwise should be at 0 z.

If this isn’t it, could you give us more details on how your scene is created? Could something be covering up the sprites? And what are the scripts in the game?