Anyone looking for a high speed file host, look at Dropbox.

OK, I figured I’d share this with everyone as it will benefit everyone trying to demo games. Go sign up for the free version of the Dropbox service ( Then put your .unityweb or .zip files in the Public folder. You can then get the URL for that file and link it in your webpage or change the generated webplayer .html files to point to that url. For example see where I link to a webplayer of SARGE. The .unityweb file is hosted on Dropbox (which is hosted on Amazon’s S3 service) so it is super speedy and there is no bandwidth charge. They actually encourage this type of use.

It’s was your mention of DropBox, a few moons ago, that made me aware of the service, and now I’m a happy user. :slight_smile: I really enjoy how straight forward it is to use.

Yea, I posted this specific tip because I was trying to download someone’s demo and it was s…l…o…w. :slight_smile: