Anyone made work "Unity 2021.2 + HDRP + VR" ?

-For testing DLSS and Ray tracing in VR, I’ve been trying to setup a test scene (the simplified default HDRP scene) with my Valve Index.
-But even if i tried with OpenXR and Steam OpenVR i can’t get the VR game to launch.
-In fact nothing append, without any error.

I ear DLSS was now supported with VR but how exactly ?
So, i want to know if it’s even possible.

I know Steam VR work with 2021.2 SRP **

Thanks !

We are using OpenXR, and DLSS works out of the box. We experience about 1.5x performance boost with DLSS performance mode in VR (4k / HP Reverb G2), and the antialiasing with DLSS is amazing!


Thanks, it seam OpenXR work with the Valve Index,
It seam a bug was freezing my Unity when i start Steam VR first…
So now i let Unity start Steam VR automatically.

Thank you! This is very valuable information!

Have you ran into anti aliasing issues when single pass instanced is enabled? We can’t use DLSS at the moment with single pass due to the jagged artifacts it produces, see

I have not experienced this problem, we use openxr and singlepass instanced. Using Unity 2021.2.0b13

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I’ve figured it out, its because we didn’t have “Camera Jitter” enabled in the XR settings. When it is disabled, the jitter x/y that DLSS needs is zeroed out, causing the jaggy edges.



Didnt know that, but had it enabled - so probably why it worked out of the box :smile:

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