Anyone managed to use hybrid renderer v2 on mobile?

Tried entities versions 0.17 and 0.50

From what I see, BOTH work (ON MOBILE) with HR v1. But not with HRv2. entities are invisible.

I also noticed that in older HR version, you can enable hrv2 for desktop, but keep it disabled for mobile

(meanwhile on newest hr version, hrv2 is turned on by default, and theres no scripting define tag to turn it off)

rn my plan is to use hrv2 for desktop, and hrv1 for mobile. so i have to use 0.17 for that. i dont mind i think.

im hoping performance will be the same as with 0.50 or better

anyway folks, has anyone managed to render entities with hrv2 on mobile?

Hey, it’s been a while for this thread, I am using Entities graphics and from what I read, the hybrid renderer 2 is enabled with it. Still on mobile, I dont see the entities, but do see them in the editor play mode.

Have you resolved it or you know how to resolve it?