Anyone successed with OverlapSphereCustom?

OverlapSphere works fine, but OverlapSphereCustom get no hits Always
Anyone tried it?

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Hey, it’s strange that OverlapSphereCustom doesn’t work, since OverlapSphere depends on it.
It may have something to do with how your custom collector is set up, so could you share a repro (or paste the collector code, and the code that’s calling the query), so I can take a deeper look.

Stumbled a little on that until I realized that the Fraction part of the collector doesn’t represent a fraction, but rather the radius of the overlapping sphere.

Maybe that was the issue?

That is correct, yes.
OverlapSphereCustom uses PointDistance query in the background, and in distance queries, Collector’s maxFraction actually represents the max distance.


hi,maxFraction: What exactly does it mean