Anyone Use Animation Master by Hash?

I decided to pick this up and finding the program quite nice to use. Does anyone else use Animation Master in Unity?

LOL good old HASH… I still have a shirt from them. This was my very first 3D app. To be honest I haven’t used it in about 10 years after I bought 3DS Max. I loved it though. It was very easy to use, but as for game development I don’t know how well it is. I have heard people using it though for games. I know back in the day it only used spline modeling, which after converting would end with very high in the poly count. I haven’t looked at it for a while so I don’t know how its evolved. Does it export to FBX or any onther formats? Does it use poly modeling yet? I think it would work, but there might be some exporting to other apps. to get it to work.

You can definitely use it for games. They did all the characters for Duke3D in Hash! haha

Yes it exports out to 3DS, DXF, OBJ. It is a patch modeler however, it has an option called Variable that will convert the patches to polygons into the least amount of polygons it can.

And yes Animation Master is continuing to be updated and such.

Im going to create a few models and see how Unity handles them. I’ll let you folks know.

It sounds like it should be fine as far as the poly count. The other thing you have to figure out is importing into unity, but I think that shouldn’t be a big deal. Im some what new to unity myself, but I believe it uses FBX format and I think it uses collada as well. So if can export to those would be the best, but I think there is also a stand alone FBX converter you can get.

A:M has never ever posted a demo version for testing, at least for OSX. That has always been a sore spot with me.

They have fantastic animation tools, some of the best I’ve seen. But that’s about the only positive thing I can say about my past experiences with A:M.