Anyone used AWS Device Farm?

Just looking at the website Automated Testing Tools - AWS Device Farm - AWS

It sounds great in theory, has anyone tried it with a Unity game? If so what were your experiences?

Yeah it is useful to test across many different devices. You can output recordings of the tests to quickly validate your new build across many devices. Usually catches UI related bugs as you can compare the output recording to your expected recording. But it can also catch cases where things just outright don’t work on a certain device due to hardware/os.

We setup automated tests to “play through” different levels of the game and go through the different UIs and menus.

We also use Firebase Test Lab
It’s easier to setup and use than device farm


Thanks for the info, I’ll check out firebases test lab too

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I,m not having a good experience on aws device farm… and a little desapointed with bad documentation to solve this problem I’m facing.

… or I’m really not searching in the right way.

I’ve opened a thread on Stack OverFlow to try do find any solution.

Thanks for any help

I haven’t tried device farm myself yet but looking at your issue the only thing I can suggest is manually setting the target API and downloading it when prompted if necessary, it might make a difference