Anyone uses RocketBox Complete Characters?

I was google-ing for low-poly characters … and I came across this:

It’s really expensive… but seems to be worth it. Has anyone purchased this or know of it? I would like some feedback before investing in it.

I stopped by their booth at Siggraph and they offered to send me a Max or Maya sample. But the license detailed on their web site looks too restrictive for me - it’s per-project.

Yes, we’re using the Complete Characters package for a project. Expensive per-title license, but it sure it cheaper than creating all those characters. The models and animations are really excellent.

There’s just one hitch: the models were created in 3ds Max, then converted to Maya. As a result, there’s some kind of bug with the Maya–>FBX conversion (either in Maya, or importing the maya files into Unity) and the conversion fails. I corresponded with Rocketbox about the problem; last I heard they were investigating but I never got a fix, so we had to have someone convert the 3ds files to fbx for us (manually exporting each animation), which was a bother. Still worth it in the end, though. (I may get their Complete Animals when it come out.)

I’ll check with Rocketbox to see if they ever did get a fix for the FBX issue and post that here. You could also ask them about it, or ask for a sample to test.

Heard back from Rocketbox: They were unable to fix the Maya–>FBX conversion bug in Complete Characters, so you’d have to manually export each animation from 3ds Max.

But for Complete Animals are using newer FBX tools so those should not have the problem.