Anyway to reduce size of navmesh asset

My navmesh.asset file is 20mb for a terrain of 1000x1000.
Is there anyway i can reduce size to say 10mb??

@witcher101 did you ever find anything to help with your problem? I’m in the same boat, except my navmesh data is 0.8 GB. It takes over 30 minutes just to load the data.


@witcher101 after previous posting, I played around with some of the NavMeshSurface settings and was able to reduce my filesize by quite a bit. I made the voxel size larger – from default of 0.166667 of agent radius up to 0.5 of agent radius. I also made my tile sizes larger – from 256 up to 1024. My terrain is large with lots of wide open spaces, not many buildings (it’s a Mapbox map of a desert area). I also don’t do any carving. So I’m not impacted by these changes, your situation may vary. However I was able to reduce file size from 0.8GB down to 0.2GB, and reduce loading time from 30 minutes down to a few seconds. You may want to try tweaking those values and baking to see what happens.

This is interesting . Thank you for suggestion i will keep this in mind.