Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has experience with the Setup Machine and Unity.
I am able to get the animation to export but the model explodes all over the place.
I have an example here:
Any ideas? Now I know this is in MotionBuilder - but Mobu and Untiy3D give me the same results.
Our animation is PC based in Maya2k8 where as we have one Mac but for editing (and now Unity.) Hence why I am using FBX’s to convert. No I don’t have the ability to install Maya on the mac as we are maxed out on our licenses.
Does anyone have experience in getting TSM animation into Unity? If so what did you do? DID you transfer from Maya? Or did you use FBX?
Find there are reasons to use FBX even with a Mac Maya license. Consider FBX the great purifier; if there is something wrong with the file, then viewing the FBX file in another app is a good way to troubleshoot if you’re stuck.
Yeah - I believe it might be a SetupMachine problem. To give you some background - Setup Machine is a rigging tool we use. It’s created by Anzovin Studio. I seem to be getting an issue exporting out the animation (or even still) characters rigged using Setup machine. It seems to be when TSM exports to TSM.
I’ve read through that tutorial but I will research freaky vertices That might lead me somewhere - any other thoughts?
Sounds like you’re on the right track. I’d also verify with TSM if they’re doing anything freaky with their controllers.
Might be a joint coordinate issue, seem to recall some issues related to such; not sure how Unity handles it to be honest. But to verify / resolve that, I’d suggest running Maya with some plugins that can change the joint coordinate or dig into SMELL, I mean MEL.
Actually TSM might not fly with Unity and most joint based game engines. I might be wrong but I thought TSM used geometry or some other deformers to actually bind to and not standard bones. I was looking at it a long time ago but I thought that was the reason for deciding against it. Amongst not knowing what it be doing as far as bones.
Actually how TSM works is very complex! From what I gather, there is a hierarchy that is driven through constraints and other fancy IK switching.
But in the end it all goes down to Joints. Baking to those poses a problem however because they do not bake correctly. I’ve written to them about it.
Also I’ve come to learn that TSM can’t export to FBX correctly at all. I’m going to dig through the script editor real quick and find what happened. the animation DOES export but again it comes out exploded.
I’m trying a new method
Creating a FBIK rig that is just stripped down to joints that are driven by TSM. I hope it works!
Well I am trying one more solution but it seems the only way to get this working correctly is to slave a second rig with a second model skinned and attached that is driven by the TSM controls.
I’ll write up a tutorial of all of this soon as I’m easily able to get Motion Capture onto a Anzovin Setup Machine Rig in Maya but I can’t get that exactly from there. You have to do another rig so that it exports correctly. Mostly since Anzovin’s custom rig tools use a series of clusters and math within the rig to handle it and are on top joints. This makes it nearly impossible to export out as a FBX which is mostly Joints only.
I actually forgot about installing the new FBX Exporter, lets see if it works!
So it turns out the only way to get Animation from The setup machine is to Slave it via another rig that has the exact same model skinned to it (thus having to weight two models, but TSM does a good job of weighting it the first time around)
It is a pain but great to help animators have some nice control. I’ll write up a tutorial soon
if your interested in another option other than TSM and one that’s free, then try Rig o matic : http://www.3dcentral.com/
in the downloads section.
I have used it successfully with unity, though the only draw back is you have to skin the model yourself. Once your done animating you just bake all the animations to the base rig and then delete everything except the base rig and mesh.
I have read on the TSM forums that they are working on TSM3 and it will be more useful for game applications. Looking forward to that!
The setup machine works fine, but you have to pivot in Maya x0, y0, z0. then you have bake the bone in Maya and still once is bake in unity. Or bake in Maya and once it is bake when exporting to FXB. He works well with no errors. Unfortunately, these characters have a lot of useless bones and scales as with slow the whole game.
Sorry for my bad English I Bohemia (czech)