I’ve just installed the package and I was trying to create a wood floor. Is there a way to avoid this type of repeating elements? Some kind of random generation depending the world position for example.
Repetition is required for tiling. You can’t have tiling without a certain amount of repetition and eventually as you repeat your texture to achieve a certain look more tiling patterns will reveal themselves. This is an age-old texturing problem with tileable textures. It is usually solved by overlaying decals or blending different textures to break the pattern.
Having said that, we should be able to scale the repetition or affect the amount of the repetitions on a texture.
We have a new feature (not yet available in the tool, still being tested) that lets you generate more tiles that are still seamless with the original tile. It helps significantly with repetition over a large area. We are also testing a zoom/scaling feature that lets you change the size of the details while maintaining the same resolution.
For the time being I would recommend using the inpaint/refine mode to remove any artifacts that make it easy to see that it is repeating, like the dark knot on your image, and do what @soleron suggested and use decals to add additional variation.
Oh, that sounds great, i’m looking forward to that new feature. Thank you.