Api 29 not working huawei p20 lite


I tried to upload an APK file to the Play Store. Everything worked until I was told that only api 29 is supported.
After I finally reinstalled Windows 10 (which was necessary anyway) I was able to export the file as api 29. After trying to install this on my Huawei P20 Lite, I got a parsing problem. I tried the whole thing again with a new project to test whether it was due to this one project, but got the same error. Then I switched back to API 28, which then worked again. However, this is of no use in terms of publication.

Does anyone have any idea how I can get this to work?

Best regards

Same problem for me too , I built my game in API 29 and upload it to google play store. But most of my friends cannot download it because their android level is less than android 10. Anyone know a solution? or this should be that way? because requiring android 10 for such a small game is ridiciolus.

ohh bro I find the problem , when ı building my game in player setting menu there is 2 thing , one is minimum api level other one is target api level. you should select target api as api29 and minimum api as lowest one. What a ridiciolus mistake for me. Maybe you have the same problem , just check it.

Hi. the same happens to me. my last update has gotten a lot of bad 1 star reviews because people can’t download the game. Everything from the new api 29 … what can I do? It doesn’t work for me on my phone either. I’m desperate