API 29 + Play services resolver

I was trying to find a solution about using API 29 and making a build, everytime stuck in Scene0
I was found some thread en github, that suggest you to move back to API 28, then play services resolver is working, you can close Unity, open again, and then move to API 29 and do a Build: Works!
But every time you close Unity with API 29 and restart unity, you got this error in console:

Stopped polling job due to exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at GooglePlayServices.UnityCompat.VersionFromAndroidSDKVersionsEnum (System.String enumName, System.String fallbackPrefKey, System.Int32 fallbackValue) [0x00000] in /Users/

And build stuck at scene 0
Swith to API 28, restart Unity, switch to api 29 and you can do a build again.
Is the problem the version of Play services resolver?
I can reproduce this bug with an empty project and any sdk that uses play services like ads.


I was having this problem and it was caused by the Play Services Resolver that I had imported. The Play Services Resolver I was using comes with the Facebook SDK.

The solution was to import the folder External Dependency Manager found in the GooglePlayGamesPlugin-0.10.09.unitypackage in GitHub - playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity: Google Play Games plugin for Unity. Inside current-build folder you will find the unity package. This tool comes with a version of the Play Services Resolver that works with API 29.


Having same problems after switching api target to 29.

I can suggest you to update EDM4U to latest version by using unity package from repo

Version 1.2.156 fixed Scene0 issue for me.

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Hello !

It really sucks but it is true.

If you have issue with scene 0 not compiling or Gradle not going fine, GO! for updating the external dependency resolver. As of today, using 2019.4.6f1 with https://github.com/googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver/blob/master/external-dependency-manager-1.2.157.unitypackage works perfectly for targeting API LEVEL 30 in Android Build.

Thanks @alexdevrage .

For me it importing only External Dependency Manager was not enough, I had to reimport whole Play Games Plugin For Unity and it seems like it’s working now. But thanks for the tip anyway.

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I used API level 30 instead of api level 29 and it fixed.