API Update causing crashes on some mobile devices

Seems I was a bit premature with my last post regarding this topic in which I thought I’d solved the problem by upgrading my unity version. This indeed caused the crash to stop on my NoxPlayer emulator, but users are reporting the issue is ongoing even with this latest update! So I’m back to the drawing board and wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Details (outlined in post link): I updated my app to target API lvl 33 as per Google Play’s instructions. Thought everything was fine since it worked on my local devices, but users are reporting a hanging gray screen after the unity splash logo plays. The affected devices are a Google Pixel 7 and Samsung Galaxy S20. I believe they are probably on the higher API levels since my devices are a bit older. I upgraded from Unity 2019 to 2021 to “fix” it on emulator. What can I do to fix this?

Successfully resolved, with player confirmation this time! I managed to get android studio virtual devices working after much headache, and through trial and error in the virtual environment I found that it installed correctly when x86 and x86_64 for chrome os were checked (under Other Settings).