Why .apk file too large in Unity 5 although it is an empty project?
in unity 4… it takes 14mb on empty project,
but in unity 5, it takes 18 mb on empty project.
i’m using unity 5 free edition
Why .apk file too large in Unity 5 although it is an empty project?
in unity 4… it takes 14mb on empty project,
but in unity 5, it takes 18 mb on empty project.
i’m using unity 5 free edition
Check Player Settings → Other Settings → Device Filter. If you have both ARM and x86 apk is much larger.
18mb doesn’t seem like a lot to me, for a library with all of the features of Unity. If you want super tiny distributions, I think you’d have to go with native apps (as in, no library, or just the native libraries that are already installed thus do not have to be distributed in your APK).
…and even more so, 4mb increase from v4 to v5 seems very reasonable as well. I think it’s been a few years between v4 and v5, so 4mb difference is not much compared to increase in device storage capacity and bandwidth over the last few years.