APK size increased in 2021.2

I am making a VR game for the Oculus Quest, only based on the XR management, without other plugins.
My game was 27MB previously. I upgraded to 2021.2 and not my apk is 45MB.

Am I the only one and are there things to look at?


In 2021.2 Android switched to incremental build pipeline, a lot of things have changed, so it might be a bug. Could you unzip apk made with 2021.2 versus previous version, and see if there are extra new files or some files became bigger.

Alternatively, please submit a bug with repro project attached. Thank you

Yep, there are different and bigger files in 2021. Assets are slightly smaller and lib has a decent difference
Left if 2021:

Made a bug report: Case 1377938

I have the same problem after upgrading the project to 2021.2.5. Is there any progress on this problem?

Not yet, no reply to my bug report either

Thank you for your reply, please let me know if there is a result, thank you!

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I have the exactly same problem. Is there an any progress?

The reply I got was simple that the build process changed and that a small increase can be the result. In the build logs you can find where a lot of the storage is going

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Thank you for the reply. I’m gonna investigate apk more but I have a +20mb on the build.

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Any update on this? Upgraded from 2019.4 to 2021.3 and our APK went from just over 1GB to 3GB. This is unacceptable.

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Maybe check build logs?

Anything in particular to look out for in the build logs?

What takes up space

my apk size increased from 82 to 96 MB when I upgraded from 2020.3 to 2021.3

Can you give a link?

It wasn’t made into a case, but here is the reply:
Hi Dylan,

Thanks for reporting the issue.

I have checked the project you provided and the size increased by 10 megabytes when upgrading from 2020.3 to 2021.2, this however, is not the case with a completely new project where the size increased only by a few megabytes. So the increase in size is more related to the project rather than upgrading Unity, however, keep in mind that with every new main Unity version e.g 2021.X and 2022.X new features are added and functionalities are slightly changed/modified.

You can check here on how to reduce the size of your builds: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ReducingFilesize.html

Customer QA Team

I checked the build files. The 2021.3 update increased the size of the libil2cpp.so file.

Yep, that be unity stuff. You can increase il2cpp code striping in player settings and put the builds at faster (smaller) builds im build settings

Same happened to me. Is there any progress?