APK too large


My Oculus Quest 2 app is now past the max file size that meta accepts for Oculus Quest 2 submission to AppLab.

I read somewhere that there is a way using split files or OBB or something like that (Im not sure), to double the file size that meta accepts, I think up to 4G.

Can someone please tell me how to do it, what check boxes to check or uncheck in unity when doing the build, and how to get the resulting files into Oculus for testing, and how to to upload the 4G build to meta for approval for AppLab?


You can split your apk into a smaller apk and a supporting obb but the max file size for that is 2GB.

Even though Oculus accept obb files of 4GB, Unity will not allow you to build ones larger than 2GB…from what I’ve seen.

To split your build into these two files go to Project Setting > Player > Publisher Settings, then at the bottom, there is a tick box “Split Application Binary”. Checking that will build the project with an apk and obb.

You can then use whichever tool you’re currently using to upload to AppLab, just passing in both files.