Aplication.LoadLevel loading second camera rather than MainCamera

When I start playing it uses the correct MainCamera but then when I press the reset button that I have the code attached too it switches to another camera that is used for when you die.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ButtonNextLevel : MonoBehaviour
public void NextLevelButton(int index)

public void NextLevelButton(string GhostChaser)


Do you have DontDestroyOnLoad on any scripts attached to the die camera?

A few things you can check:

  1. Make sure the MainCamera is not being deleted when reloading the scene
  2. Make sure the Main Camera’s depth is lower than the death camera’s. Unity - Scripting API: Camera.depth
  3. Make sure to disable the death camera on the scene reload. Im assuming when you die you enable the death camera, but when you are reloading the same scene the camera may stay enabled if you have it referenced static somewhere.

A camera’s depth determine the rendering order of a camera, the lower depth is rendered first.

On a final note:
Application.LoadLevel() is obsolete. Use SceneManager.LoadScene() instead. Make sure to include using UnityEngine.SceneManagement at the top of your script.