App had doubled in sizemoving from 2019 LTS Editor to 2021 LTS Editor


I have an app published on Google Play which was created using Unity Editor 2019.4.29f1.

In the future I need to move to Editor v 2021.3.4f1. I’ve transferred my existing release assets to the latter version of the editor and it builds OK, however the size of the app has more than doubled as per following table:

Size …2019 Editor…2021 Editor
App Bundle size…23 MB…44 MB
App download size…15 MB…34 MB
Size on device…43 MB…70 MB

Its difficult to be sure I have configured the Build options the same, as the two versions of the Editor display different lists of build parameters, but I dont think I have set them up very differently so I dont understand why the size has increased so much.

Is there any easy way of telling what extra has been included in the 2021 Editor version compared with the 2019 version?


Since these differences aren’t that big it can simply be an engine thing since 2021 has incremental builds.
You can use the build logs to see if your assets make any difference in size