My universal app works fine when I manually deploy to x86 or Arm but when I run the App Certification Kit the x86 build fails to run so it fails cert. The Arm build passes cert.
I’m not sure how to debug because it only happens when the App Cert Kit tries to run it. It doesn’t crash. It just fails to run. Any ideas?
Could you specify the failure?
Here’s a screenshot of the result:
It’s failing to launch. Again, it works fine if I Deploy it from VS and run it.
Last time I saw this failure was when there was something wrong with drivers on the PC. Do you have another machine so you could try running the test on that?
Additionally, you could try to configure your OS to save dumps, and run the WACK then, if the app will crash during certification - a dump should be generated, might give you more info.
I finally figured it out after I realized it was happening even with a fresh project and empty scene.
The problem is that I normally run as Standard User for security reasons. Even though UAC makes me enter the local admin credentials there must be a rights elevation issue in the App Cert Tool.
If I grant my account Admin it works. I’ll probably just run the cert tool from the local admin account.