App size too big IOS


I am currently developing an application ( an arcade game ) with Unity and I want to release it on iOS and Android. It is almost finished , but I have a problem : the game on Android weighs 48 MB against 487 MB on IOS. It is very high and it may deter many users to downloading my application.

Do you know where is the problem ? How to solve it ?

Thank you in advance !

Do you know where is the problem ?

Yes, the problem is that you cannot pinpoint what is causing your player to be so big.

How to solve it ?

Figure out what content is responsible for such a big ipa. One way to start would be looking at the build log and start compressing or cutting content out.

The size of my application is normal in Unity (60 Mo) but when I put it on my IOS device , I go to settings , it is written that it weights 487 MB. Do you know why ?

Hi , I have the same problem.

I tried use empty scene build a xcode project (16MB), and build on the device.
I’ll see the application has more than 240MB.

I’m having same issue.
@mechwarr @Robin1002 did you ever solve issue?
When I build a empty scene unity project for iOS I get a xcode project that is around 40mb.
After I archive build in Xcode my build is at 403mb?

I’ve been searching online and not finding anything that solves issue.

I’m running Unity 5.4.0b14 personal

I am having same problem Android size 25Mb to IOS 120Mb Compressed and 220Mb on phone.
Using unity 5.4.0 personal

Same problem here, the editor log says its around 87 MB but on an iPhone it’s around 170 MB…

This same here: Android apk = 40MB, iOS TestFlight size = 136 MB !!

Hi I am also having the same issue :+1: