App Store Connect Operation Error: 'The app references non-public symbols'


I’m unable to push my app to App Store Connect. This was working fine with Xcode 12, but now using Xcode 13.3 I receive the following error when attempting to upload:

‘The app references non-public symbols in Payload/[app_name].app/Frameworks/UnityFramework.framework/UnityFramework: _der_decode_boolean With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.11’
(screenshot attached)

Unity 2020.3.4f1 (also Unity 2021.1.14f1)
Xcode 13.3

Any assistance or suggestions would be appreciated.

@LBThomas Always use Google first (if you haven’t already). Searching for your error brings up this, please check if it might help ios - App distribution is failed to AppStore with error : Invalid MinimumOSVersion - Stack Overflow

Unfortunately, this is not the same error I am facing.

Thus far, I have been unsuccessful at searching for a solution on my own.

Got it, so you’ve confirmed your deployment target. Another path forward is to compare to a new/empty project