App store url

Hi guys my pirates and dragons is now live on the appstore found it using search but trying to find the url address for a direct download any ideas how?

Do you mean the app store URL? That is quite easy. Use this as your “template”:**296338337**&mt=8

and replace the highlighted number (the app id) by the number you get when you visit and go into the “manage applications” section, click on “details” of your app. Then a page opens that shows the app store id of your app. Insert that number in the above URL and voila - you have your app store url. Is that what you asked for?

cheers martin

Wow Martin, hadn’t thought of that approach! :slight_smile:

Alternatively, you can search iTunes for your app, and right click on the link to it.

Either way works :stuck_out_tongue:

A more direct approach is to use the itms:// protocol:


That’ll open iTunes (or the App Store on the phone) directly, without first redirecting from Apple.

EDIT: Never mind… this seems to no longer work!

Right, the phobos… urls is the only valid and left way to reference your app directly. A lot of review websites don’t allow anything other than just direct phobos urls, hence it’s the easiest to use them like that.

And yeah, the app id is the most overlooked thing in the “manage applications” page. I overlooked it too a long time until I noticed that the app id is useable already the momemt you first time submitted your app. The url works from that moment on, although iTunes wouldn’t show you the app until it’s reviewed, but this is extremly useful for preparing app support websites when you know the URL upfront.

Cheers to Apple for figuring out what we need before we need it.

And to Martin as well for highlighting it’s availability!


Simplest way to get your app’s URL is in iTunes --right-click on your app’s name…

…and you get “” on your clipboard.

(My right-click menu has been customized with other junk, obviously.)

Thanks for the pic Rob, makes my post above much clearer! :stuck_out_tongue:
