Apple App store review guidelines on Asset bundles.

Hi Guys,

I have a game which is about 30mb in size. I want to get it under 20mb. But despite attempting most of the texture compression and app size reduction stuff, it still adds up to around 30mb in size. So I decided to look into ip-app purchases and assert bundles. I managed to get both of them working. Then I just had a quick glance at the Apple App store review guidelines, which says some thing like this

2.7 Apps that download code in any way or form will be rejected
2.8 Apps that install or launch other executable code will be rejected

So my question is, will apple reject my app because the assert bundle have scripts in it. I mean do they consider assert bundle stuff to be ā€˜codeā€™ or ā€˜executable codeā€™. I desperately need to allow non-WiFI users to download my app so any sort of comment, feedback or advice is warmly welcomed. Thanks in advance.


Asset bundles donā€™t contain scripts.
Scripts are always in the application for which you built the bundle or donā€™t exist at all

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Thanks for the quick response. I hear you loud and clear. But just to clarify things, let me tell you what I did exactly.

I created a prefab containing all of the level GameObjects apart from the main camera. Then I created a asset bundle using that prefab.

So what your telling me is that the scripts for that particular level is not in that assert bundle. Correct???.

If so, I take that the assert bundle only contains some sort of reference to the actual script which is in the actual application it self.


hi guys,

i have a similar BIG BIG doubt!

i have a ios base and iā€™m wondering about buying the ios pro for the asset bundleā€¦

my app will download an external *.unity3d file (containing an entire scene) using WWW and then load the scene with Application.LoadLevel(ā€œsceneā€)

can it be considered as:
2.7 Apps that download code in any way or form will be rejected
2.8 Apps that install or launch other executable code will be rejected

i need some clarity.

Thanks a lot


hi guys,

i need this infoā€¦i canā€™t find a solution!

No it is not considered as such.

Again, asset bundles do not contain any code, they only contain references to the code thats present in the Application.
Unity and the iOS AheadOfTime compilation prevent any possibility to create and add code at runtime.

ah ok really really thanks dreamora!

Iā€™m getting the same reject for three timesā€¦I donā€™t know what to do!