Apple Mach-O Linker (ld) Error: Linker Command Failed

Hey, I’d really like to see an answer on this. I have the same problem and I can’t get around it.

##My Info##

I’ve updated Unity to version 2019.3.7f1 and Xcode version 11.3.1.

##Referenced Posts and Attempts##
####Attempt #1####
This post mentions two things I have no idea where they are, maybe that will help or maybe its mentioning features only available in the referenced outdated version of Unity? 1. choose in player setting under other settings : universal platform and IL2CPP 2. update all plugins as these need to support arm64

###Attempt #2###

Next, I tried what this post mentioned which was enabling module and disable bitcode: Apple Mach-O Linker (Id) Error... - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

###Attempt #3###
I set the Scripting Backend to IL2CPP (Defaults to Mono (2.x)) and Architecture to Universal as mentioned here:

###Attempt #4###
I reset architecture settings to standard and build active architecture as this mentions: ios - Xcode 5.1: missing required architecture arm64 - Stack Overflow

###Attempt #5###
I deleted the library search paths as mentioned here: iphone - Apple Mach-O Linker Warning Directory not found - Stack Overflow

###Attempt #6###
I’m not really willing to downgrade Xcode as this suggests: Apple Mach-O Linker Error when Building - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

###Attempt #7###
I tried changing the … thingy up in the top left…it’s like a button that states [Unity iPhone > iPhone] as opposed to a simulator or “General Device”. (Looks like @MrRetroCentral put the solution that worked for him on many posts). Apple Mach-O linker Error - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions Apple Mach-O Linker (Id) Error - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions Apple Mach-O linker error during build - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions Unity 4.6Beta Mach-O Linker Errors - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

###Attempt #8###
Someone here mentioned using some Native Sharing Plugins from a Github Repo, but I don’t know how to use them: GitHub - NicholasSheehan/Unity-Native-Sharing: A Unity plugin to open native sharing dialogs on iOS and Android, primarily for text and files

###Attempt #9###
Here @rathodjignesh1805 merely tells you to expand two things, which…not sure how that’s helpful. I think we’re missing a step on what to do with the expanded sections. Apple Mach-O Linker (ld) Error Group - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

###Attempt #10###
Since my issue is related to Duplicate Architecture Symbols, I switched No Common Blocks to ‘No’ and I still get the Apple Mach-O Linker Error. iphone - duplicate symbols for architecture armv7 - Stack Overflow

###Attempt #11###
I ran the pack uninstaller as someone recommended in this post yet found I don’t have anything called ‘Ads’ at all: Unity Ads error from Unity to Xcode build - Stack Overflow

###Other People’s Attempts to Ask
Here are posts from poor souls who never got an answer:

I am stuck I have no idea what to do. Please help me. I’m so desperate! Where do I throw my money!? In all honesty, thank you for your time!

I get the following error message:

I got in touch with a local gamer’s group and they helped out. Looks like the answer was in the warning. I removed all of Unity’s ads, built the game, and archiving in XCode worked. No Link-O-Whatever error. So, then while re-implementing all the ads, I found that there were two scripts requesting the IUnityAdsListener in the class initialization lists, yet I was only using one of those files. Got rid of the second, and bam! We’re good to go. Hopefully that helps someone else in the future!

Your case seems similar to mine
Unity ads cause me a lot of errors, starting with UIWebView “This is because my project is old” And finally, O-Linker
This took me days to resolve :grin:
Solved when I removed Unity ads