Apple Mach-O Linker Warning

I have 1250 of these Apple Mach-O Linker Warnings when I try to build my Unity 3.3 project in Xcode 4 with IOS 4.3

Can anyone suggest anything? I tried some stuff from the answers forum but to no avail.


Ignore it for the time being or downgrade to iOS SDK 4.2

Apple went their standard way of “last minute fuckup” ie changing something that up to this version behaved differently

I haven’t got access to iOS SDK 4.2 as I’ve just bought Unity iPhone and you can’t download the old SDK from Apple apparently. At least if you can please forward me a link because I spent some time looking.

I can’t ignore it as I can’t deploy anything to my iPhone which is a bit of a showstopper.


Dreamora, can you be more specific?

i get 999+ warnings as well but i just ignore them. i can build on the iphone with them without a problem (after all… no errors = good to go :p)

warnings don’t prevent you from building and deploying.
Not paying apple $100 per year is the only thing that does that :wink:

I AM paying Apple. I’m signed up as a developer. I don’t know why you keep on about this.

I said it because its the only thing that prevents deploying, this has nothing to do with “you”, “this” or any kind of problem you might have otherwise

If you are a signed developer and have the provision setup on the project then warnings will NEVER prevent you from build and deploy. Only compilation error can prevent you from deploying but they don’t prevent you from deploying due to some deployment thing, they prevent you from deploying because there is nothing to deploy.

So as a short checklist to ensure we talk about the same thing and that all things are in line:

  • Your project in Unity is set to build a device build, not a simulator one (simulator builds are not ARM and can thus not be directed to the device)
  • There are no other compilation errors in XCode, only the warnings
  • The project is set to build for device in XCode
  • The device is enabled as development device so deployment is possible

There are errors.
I’m going to do a build with nothing but a default scene from the Mobile Assets and run down that check list you just posted.

OK. Questions.

How do you make it a “Device” build in Unity? Don’t seem to have a setting for that that I’ve found yet.

I’m using a scene from Mobile Assets with nothing else. I build it in Unity and open it in Xcode. Then I go command R in Xcode and the progress bar shoots along until it gets to about the “I” in “Linking” and then Xcode hangs and my fans go into overdrive until I take pity and force quit it.

Progress has been retrograde. It didn’t hang before.

I finally manage to download and install Xcode 3. I got the demo onto my iPhone first time. Huge relief. Now I can get started.

this other thread makes it sound like dist builds might not work -

I don’t understand this at all. I’m completely new to macs altogether, let alone xcode and the rest. I have 15 warnings and 432 errors, all related to this Apple Mach-O linker. I don’t have the slightest idea where to start with fixing this.
I also haven’t been able to build from unity. Every time I try the Base SDK is set to iphoneos4 which it says is missing. I change it and the warning goes away, but if I build from Unity it’s back. I googled it and everything says got to the Project menu, I don’t have a Project menu, it’s driving me nuts how many places have this as a solution, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

432 errors sounds like you by error choose to do a simulator build in the player settings and now try to use it on the device (or tried to use a simulator build which will not work either as apple has broken the 4.3 simulator again).

As for base sdk: it must have the same version you have installed or if you have 4.2 or later, use “latest” instead so you never have to care again

I downgraded to Xcode 3 with IOS 4.3 because of all this and now I can build to the phone. It gives up an error in a box and the game demo only works in portrait, not landscape as it does in Unity Remote, but I’m hoping I can figure out how to fix that eventually.

Project settings are somewhere off the Edit Menu in Unity from memory. Once you select it they show up in the Inspector sidebar.

HI dreamora, first of all thanks for hundreds of your posts in many other topics, you’ve saved my life too many times.

Well, I’m also getting these 999+ warnings when building under 4.3, however the application runs smoothly. My only concern is related to the submission process to the app store, will this issue make my app closer to a rejection stage??? I know they’re only warnings, and as far as I know harmless too, but we’re talking about Apple and they love rejecting apps for no reason, now they might have 999+ reasons to throw my app to the trash.

Is this a problem with unity or Xcode 4?
If it’s on Unity’s side, are you planning an update or fix??

I’m kind of worry, I need to submit a client’s app by July 2011 and this is the only obstacle I’ve seen so far.


Don´t submit your app built under 4.3!

Get hold of 4.2, which you should still be able to download from Apple, there is a link in one of the iOS 4.3 threads.

Don´t submit your app built under 4.3!

We did, (submit using 4.3) and we actually passed the review somehow, but the app just didn´t even start.
Had to recompile it using 4.2 and things went better.

@svenskefan thanks for the advice.

However, we can’t just hold on to 4.2 forever, I mean, in the first place, aren’t we supposed to submit under the latest SDK??

To Unity team, if we are purchasing licenses, shouldn’t you tell people at least how these issues may affect development and submission process? I’ve been reading loads of threads with no success yet. But again I might be wrong and it all could be Xcode’s fault.

Hoping a work around for this comes along, as I don’t consider an appropriate solution downgrading your SDK(anyway thanks @svenskefan for your post, that could be my last resort).

Please guys some guidance here

Thank you all.

It was not Unitys fault but Apples.
Until the last RC and potentially even the Gold Master of iOS 4.3, all worked fine
It was the real release of iOS SDK that fucked it up that badly (as so often, its the 3rd time or so in iOS history that apple changes stuff for GM or even after GM to such a degree - making beta testing totally useless against beta iOS which is why I stopped installing them at all when it happened on iOS 3.x)

Thanks dreamora,

You’re right. Searching for an answer today, I’ve found many people’s apps being rejected under iOS 4.3 with Xcode 4.0.1 and 4.0.2. Then re-compiled under iOS 4.2 using Xcode 3.2.5 , re-submitted and instantly approved by Apple.

My dilemma was needing to test on iPad2 which will only allows to run 4.3…oh well, I’ll do the testing with 4.3, and when submitting will downgrade to 4.2 and get Approved :). I need to relax now and focus on coding.
