Hi - I’m using the new UI features with canvas elements and all of my menu interaction and buttons work perfectly with touch input, keyboard input, and MFi controller input. My only issue is the Apple TV remote. From what I understand, by default Unity treats the touch-area as a swipeable area or a d-pad if you tap on the edges.
For some reason, using the touch area on the remote goes completely bonkers. It is hyper sensitive so if I do a swipe up or down it will skip over several buttons. It also get stuck in some parts, for example a button in the corner of the screen - it gets locked in and I can’t go left/right, just up/down. I’ve tried already messing with all of the Remote settings (disabling touchesEnabled, reporting absoluteDPadValues, etc) and it seems to have the same behavior no matter what. I have no problems with any other input method and like I said, regular controllers work fine so I know it’s not anything with my Input settings or implementation.
I had a similar problem and it was being caused because Unity was treating the touches on the apple remote as standard screen touches.
If you look at your ‘EventSystem’ game object you should see a ‘Touch Input Module’ component. For apple tv builds this needs to be disabled otherwise it’ll be taking swipe input as well as touch input. I added a new component to my event system that automatically disabled this component when it detected an apple tv build.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class TouchModuleSwitcher : MonoBehaviour
public TouchInputModule m_TIModule;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
if( Helpers.IsAppleTV() )
// Apple TV has no touchpad input
m_TIModule.enabled = false;
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, the Touch Input Module is now deprecated because it is handled inside of Standalone Input Module now. I can’t really figure out how to disable touch in the same way. I do have “Force Module Active” disabled, but that didn’t seem to help.
Have you guys come across issue with Apple TV Remote touch area being read only WITH while pressing Remote touch area click? Either two events (Touch AND KeyDown) are triggered or none. I went through several related topics, but I don’t see anyone struggling with such problem. Just trying to build same effect as in Apple TV Menu → swipe to move in the chosen direction (without pressing).
@ : It took me 2 days to solve it. It was an issue with Remote - after reset to factory settings everything works.