Application.LoadLevel Crashs (Android)


I made a Unity shoot’em up game for desktop and I’m trying to turn it in a Android game (changing the inputs, basically).
However, I’m having some troubles.

I’m not able to load a level build to show the instructions. This level just have a background and a text, nothing else. In my script I have this:

void OnGUI ()
{ = skin;

	if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width-240, Screen.height-110, 200, 40),
		Application.LoadLevel ("SpaceShipGame");
	if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width-240, Screen.height-60, 200, 40), 
		Application.LoadLevel ("GameInstructions");

In the desktop application, everything works fine.
I couldn’t figure out what is the problem.

Thanks for any help.

I have the exact same problem. Running the latest Unity even the most simple programs using LoadLevel will crash when compiled as a non-dev build. Everything works perfectly fine when compiled as a dev build and is pushed on to my Galaxy Tab 2.

I have received an email concerning the bug report I created. I’ve been informed that this issue has been fixed in the next release.

I have not upgraded yet, still using the earlier release in which the bug did not exists, so I can’t verify whether it has been corrected in Unity 4.

I had just solved this problem.
I used script to setting my Physic Material, delete it and create new Physic Material and it works!
I don’t know either can’t be set on script or my setting is wrong, I set Bounciness equals 1.2, but the max is 1.
Anyway it works now :smiley: