Application.LoadLevel, Send me to the same Scene


I’m using the following script to determine when the player hit a collider, is very simple if the user hit the collider and there’s no Bubbles should be sent to main menu otherwise Game Over Scene should appear,

But the problem is that no matter what always send me to GameOver Scene, any idea??

public int totalBubbles;

public static int pumpBubbles;

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

	if (pumpBubbles == totalBubbles) 
   		print ("you WIN");
		print ("you LOOSE");

Did you make sure to add both “Main Menu” and “Game Over” to the levels used in the game in File->Build Settings ?

Yep Both are there !! Still not working : /

Based on what you are saying it seems like pumpBubbles is never matching totalBubbles. When you run print (pumpBubbles); it does match sometimes? Are you sure both those variables are of the same type?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GoalCtrl : MonoBehaviour {

public int totalBubbles;
public static int pumpBubbles;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
	print (pumpBubbles);

 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
	if (pumpBubbles == totalBubbles) 
   		print ("you WIN");
		//print ("you LOOSE");
	if (pumpBubbles < totalBubbles) 
   		print ("you LOOSE");
