I have a GUI in the scene StartMenu and the actual game in a scene Game. Both scenes run separately on the iPhone but if I try to build a single application with both included then use “Application.LoadLevel” to load the Game scene, the application crashes with an error like:
Terminating in response to SpringBoard’s termination.
→ applicationWillTerminate()
Any ideas on how to link scenes together?
Application.LoadLevel is right. Sounds like you
a) forgot to add both scenes in the build configuration
b) didn’t load the second level through its index in the build configuration
Thanks for the hints. I removed all the audio from the project and that solved the problem. I can only assume it was running out of memory. Is there some logging I can enable to show the memory usage or loading stages?
one of the ways to monitor your app total RAM usage is XCode Instruments. Go to XCode menu “Run” > “Start with performance tool” > “Activity monitor”, when “Activity monitor” starts to receive data, sort process list by name, find your application and check column “Real memory”