I’m trying to reward players for following my twitter/fb/youtube , I do this by sending them via my unity app on BtnClick to a link to the channels and reward them after 2minutes, so I don’t actually check if they followed my socials.
This is working on PC but “Application.OpenURL()” does not work on Android, I found on the forum and in the docs Unity - Scripting API: Application.OpenURL that this is bc Android7.0 made using this impossible for security reasons.
I however can’t find an alternative anywhere, in the docs there is a mention of using FileProvider but I can’t find anywhere explained how to integrate and use this in my unity app. I only found half an explaination by someone implementing something for opening a file https://forum.unity.com/threads/application-openurl-on-unity-2017-2-android-7-not-working.502135/ but I am trying to open a link.
Can someone please help me with the current alternative for Application.Url( myUrlString ) on Android in 2022 with Unity because I searched the whole internet and am still stuck. I guess I have to use FileProvider but would like to find a complete tutorial (what to download, what codelines to add where, how to call)
Kind regards