If you enter the following URI in the browser:
it will show a 5x5 pixels red circle.
I’m trying to do this inside Unity with Application.OpenURL
or Application.ExternalEval("window.open(url,'_blank')")
but it does nothing. It doesn’t work on editor nor on Mac build, but strangely it works on the Web Player (and that’s why I think my code is working).
Yeah I just tested it and it looks like the OpenURL function will only allow the http: and https: protocols.
This makes what you are trying to do a bit more complicated… You could use OpenURL to open a php page and pass the image info as a GET variable. Then the php page could open the image for you. So it might look something like:
var open_url = "http://yourdomain.com/open_image.php";
open_url += "?imageinfo=" + ImageBytes; //add your image byte array
Then the php file could look like this:
$image_info = $_GET['imageinfo'];
$data_URI = "data:image/png;base64,";
echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=".$data_URI."".$image_info."'>";
Here’s an example project using this method.
Note that the server the php page is hosted on is currently really slow, so it takes a few seconds before it redirects to the actual image… With a proper server on a normal webpage the load time should normally be under a second.