Application.OpenURL problem with mailto


The above code turns into “


The above code turns into “”

Testing on Tizen Z3 with the default mail client.
Unity version: 5.3.4f1

Any idea why is this happening?

Sounds like incorrect behavior. Could you submit a bug?

Just submitted the bug.
Case 787495.

Previously I had to file another bug regarding Application.OpenURL when TizenStore urls weren’t opening. It’s fixed now though.
What I am trying to say is that there may be more bugs left to solve with Application.OpenURL.

HI Subhajit,

Can you please share how did you manage to open url from within the game, as I cannot see any URL for my game thats live on tizen store


Hi singhhvirdi,

What you pass as string is as follows:
Replace the 0000000xxxxx with the content id of your game on the store.

There is a detailed thread regarding this. Previously Unity refused to open Tizen store links.