This is hard to explain–but, here I go.
I run the game in the editor, everything runs as expected. Then, I do a build and test and things are going wonky. My most frustrating bug is the Exit Button in the games StartScene. It works fine the first time! But if I leave this scene, (say going to Level1) and come back. The Application.Quit() stops working. I am going to build a way to view output in the build–but, this little bug is a stinker and I am hoping to kill it before I do so.
Code example:
public void OnExitClick()
//Start screen.
if (CurrentLevel == 0)
if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > 2)
Game.Message("Application Quit called.");
}//end if
}//end if
if (CurrentLevel > 0)
Game.Message("Loading Start Scene.");
}//end if
}//end function
Hmm. You’re probably right Zalosath. Let me check! This might be the problem for sure. Should have made some debugging first thing. Thanks so much. Will report back.